This is where our eggs come from.

Our flock.

ERR Free Range Duck Eggs come from happy, healthy Muscovy Ducks. Contain twice the protein as chicken eggs, more antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids, and fifty percent more vitamin A. An excellent source of selenium, providing almost half of the daily value in one egg. ERR Duck Eggs contain a good source of Vitamin D and all 8 B Vitamins. Not only do they make great layers, they are a meat bird, so the males provide a source of meat while our females lay. These are a seasonal laying breed, ending egg production early fall and starting back up in February.

ERR Free Range Chicken Eggs come from a variety of breeds; Red Ranger, Lavender, Buff Orpington, Black Sexlink, and Araucanas. Our chickens offer a variety of egg colors and sizes range from small/medium to large eggs. More flavorful and nutritious than store bought eggs because they are able to roam and eat bugs and grasses. Our eggs are limited and they go fast.

Did you know you can freeze duck eggs for 6 months to a year, when used in baked goods.

Fun Fact.

Muscovy Ducks make great pets and a natural pest control for nuisance mosquitos, flies, and gnats. They are very social, sweet, docile pets that don’t make much noise.

Looking for fertile Muscovy Duck Eggs to hatch?